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New commics Jan 6, 2003
Sorry for the delay in posting the new toons but hopfully they will be enjyed by one and all. Hope every one had a happy Hanaka,Quanza, Christmas and New Year!
-"The" Author

New 'toons! Jan 6, 2003
Make sure to check out the current comic link over to the left and browse the archives if you haven't already, for, after the christmass slowdown, we have returned with the first part of a new comic! Yipee! Make sure to hop over to the TakkiStuff store too!

Forum Dec 20, 2002
The forum has been molded to the rest of the site's interface, although it's only a crude molding and could be improved upon greatly. If it is thought that the default design should be returned to, then it will be done.

'toons! Dec 20, 2002
Well, the new site's up, along with a new double sized 'toon! Make sure to check out the forums, and tell all your friends!

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