Welcome to the home of takki, were you'll find plenty of takki 'toons to fill you with all kinds of comicy goodness! |
Shutting down... |
May 27, 2003 |
Well, we've decided to stop hosting takki, but it's been great fun, and we offer our enternal gratitude to everyone who's visited and read our comics! The domain name will remain, as will, likely, an archive of the comics. |
-ClosetPacifist |
And here we go again! |
Mar 30, 2003 |
Two new comics have been posted- go check 'em out! |
-ClosetPacifist |
Today... |
Jan 13, 2003 |
we have more installments from Vietnam! Be certain to post to the forum any thoughts, suggestions or goadings that cross your minds. |
-ClosetPacifist |
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